AdventureQuest Worlds Wiki


Location:Class Shop Price: 15,000 Gold Sellback: 3,750 Gold Skills: Auto AttackAuto Attack Description: A rapid attack, studied by only a reclusive few. Type: Useable Rank Needed: 0 Mana Cost: 0 Mana Cooldown: 0 Seconds Notes: Attacks as Rogue (75% damage, ~3 attacks/5 seconds, 45%WDPS)

ShadowbladeShadowblade Description: Deals 50% weapon damage, and blinds enemy for 3 attacks. Type: Useable Rank Needed: 0 Mana Cost: 4 Mana Cooldown: 8 seconds

CrosscutCrosscut Description: (NYI) Instantly attack twice. (Costs 8 MP) Type: Useable Rank Needed: 2 Mana Cost: 8 Mana Cooldown: 12 Seconds

ShadowburnShadowburn Description: Deals [1xWDPS] as fire damage, stunning any blinded enemy for 5s. (Costs 8 MP) Type: Useable Rank Needed: 4 Mana Cost: 8 Mana Cooldown: 12 Seconds

Thin AirThin Air Description: (NYI) Raises dodge by 4% every time you are hit. Every time you successfully dodge, you gain 2AP. Lasts 15s. (Costs 10 MP) Type: Useable Rank Needed: 8 Mana Cost: 10 Mana Cooldown: 30 Seconds

Passive SkillPassive Skill Description: Shadowburn returns 50% damage done as HP Type: Passive Rank Needed: 9

Description: Ninjas are masters of stealth and the deadly arts!
